Sunday, July 22, 2007

Words they don't teach you in language school.

"Cao." With a fourth tone, if you care. It's the Chinese equivalent of "fuck," in the expletive form. Depending on what it is you're cursing at, you can say things like "Wo de cao" or "Cao ni ma." (Oh, this blog isn't PG, by the way.) You can hear Taxi drivers swearing away with a creative combination of other words (which I don't need to repeat here).

Being the good Chinese language student that I am, had an opportunity to use it today, when the barber cut my ear with his dull scissors. I chose the form, "Wo de cao," the more generic expression. I figured it wouldn't be nice to curse his mom out.

Who knew ears bled so much? (Who knew hair could be cut so dang short?? Thank goodness the stuff grows back.) They bandaged me up good, wouldn't let me pay, and sent me off with a bag of snacks despite my adamant protesting. Now I have Oreos to eat.

Humorous. Kinda. For free, I can't complain too much.

(Hey, this is HNGR. It's all good.)

That's not my middle finger, by the way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Chuck. Sorry about the ear. If you were here, I'd take you to my church and we'd pray for healing and see that ear miraculously pieced back together! Gotta love it. Keep on keepin' on...