Sunday, June 1, 2008

Here's to Giving Up

Giving up well is like trying to gracefully eat spaghetti while wearing a white shirt; …one wonders if it’s ever been done successfully.

When the sour sting of bitterness starts lingering in the mouth after the teeth are brushed at night… when anger is found systematically speckling your blurred consciousness in the mornings, all is not right. Moving forward should not be independent of Agape, and true healing cannot take root in hatred.

Mending, at the cost of love, is not mending at all.


Anonymous said...

material triptic was brilliant. i just thought you should know that.

also, for some thoughts on the topic of giving up, see she has a song called giving up. it's good.

Joel Bobbett said...

there's a wonderful robert frost poem (which i am not often to say) on mending a fence; you should give it a read.
i miss these posts being late night conversations, by the way.

SteveandRachel said...

Moving forward CAN NOT be independent of Agape. (w/o Agape all "moving forward" is self-deception) And Agape can't be independent of Christ.

Thanks for spurring us on with your thoughts.