Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sure, I like trains.

My two goals in China:

1. To not get pick-pocketed.
2. To not get hit by a car while riding a bike.

The Family on this side of the world has been wonderfully hospitable to me. I have not lacked food or a place to rest my head since I've been here, even though I don't know my way around and only knew a few people. But Jan is gone, and now so are the Bevis's. The Coons are in the States. Being stretched is good.

I've been a wanderer as of late. I haven't really stayed in one spot for more than a few days. Korea, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Jixian, Inner Mongolia, Back to Tianjin, and now I'm off to Chang Chun. It's an interesting way of life, dependent upon the hospitality and help of others, yet never still enough to sit down and take a deep breath. At least not yet... maybe when I get back from Chang Chun... maybe. Always maybe.

It's not quite there yet, but I'm going to need some down time in the near future.

The conference in Chang Chun is about psychological counseling among Chinese and dealing with the cultural barriers that prevent effective practice. It's totally my cup of tea.

Chang Chun means "Forever Spring." I hear it's beautiful (though for Chinese cities, the definition of "beauty" must be held loosely). But I have to manage to get there first... aka, get on the train, make sure I don't oversleep and miss the stop, and find my way into town. I'm much more inept than you'd think, (or perhaps just as inept as you think).

If I'm not wrong, that's where my parents went to school and met each other...

1 comment:

Angel said...

chuck, this is going to be amazing! i pr. your heart is totally open to all that He would show you over these next several days. and maybe that you find your wife as well....hahahaha