Saturday, January 26, 2008

Addendums To My Cynicism

I'm trying really hard, for the sake of wide-eyed and innocent freshmen, to not come off as a cynical and condescending senior. I'm trying to remember what I felt like as a bubbly and energetic social ball of naitivite. I'm trying not to flout normal and polite social conventions just because I have little desire to spread myself thin in relationships. I'm trying to balance my words, because I have not arrived at this point without going through the process that many of them will eventually go through.

And that's the difficulty, isn't it? We forget that it was a journey, and that the things we see and learn have taken time, experience, and most of all, grace. Our self-righteousness, our haughtiness and distance forgets the process it took to get us here. And even then, where is "here," except another point in our lives where we will one day look back upon and say, "Man, I can't believe I was ever there."

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