Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It's getting ugly in Kenya. I don't know the politics behind it. I don't know Kibaki's story, or why people feel like they need to riot. I don't understand tribalism, and I can't comprehend what comes over someone to set a church on fire with children in it. 

For 7 months, China blocked my access to worldnews.com. And now that I have it again, Bhutto's death has been trumpeted, Kenya is degenerating into tribal warfare, and China is starting to up its economic hegemony, not to mention the standard news of suicide bombers, nuclear issues, etc. 

Yea, happy new year to everyone. Drink up... this year's gonna be great for everyone around the world. Especially those 80 kids that burned to death because they were trying to run from machetes. 

Kyrie eleison... Christe eleison.

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